Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Is Red Wine Really Healthy?

There has been study upon countless study on the potential health benefits of red wine (my beloved white gets no love!) and that resveratrol is a magic elixir that can make us into super humans! 

Ok, maybe that second half isn’t so true, but I’m sure you’re all wondering if red wine really is healthy? Let’s break down some of the claims…

  1.  One glass of red wine replaces one hour of cardio at the gym: A recent French study suggested that the resveratrol in a glass of red wine gives you the same benefits as completing an hour of cardiovascular exercise. Sounds like a great excuse to ditch the elliptical and cozy up with a glass of Malbec, right? Oh, how I wish this were true. Turns out there are multiple studies that have debunked this myth; a glass of red wine may improve heart and muscle health if, and only if, you exercise regularly.  And get this: it’s not due to the resveratrol…I’ll give you a moment to weep.

   2.  Antioxidants:  Red wine is loaded with polyphenols, which may protect against common health problems, certain effects of aging and lowers the risk of heart diseases and cancer.  The darker the wine, the more antioxidants are present in the wine since the polyphenols come from the pips and skins of the grapes. Some more good news; red wine has more antioxidants than many other “health” foods like acai juice, blueberries and pomegranate juice! Looks like I’ve found my next juice cleanse J

  3.  Fermented Food: Since red wine goes through a fermentation process (sometimes even twice), it’s also loaded with probiotics. Probiotics have long been associated with improved digestion by producing lactic acid that nourishes the good bacteria in your GI tract and helps absorb more of the nutrients in the foods you eat.

  4.  Prevents Tooth Decay: Don’t let your purple-tinged teeth fool you. The red stain is not so bad after all. A recent study found that the polyphenols in red wine actually help prevent tooth decay by inhibiting bacterial growth and plaque build-up in your mouth! Pinot Noir mouthwash? Yes, please!

Looks like the jury’s in favor of the fermented grape drink! However, we all know the benefits can easily be overshadowed with the negative effects of alcohol, so let’s not go and down the whole bottle tonight, ok? You need no more than one 5oz glass (for women) or two glasses (for men, you lucky guys) daily to reap all of red wine’s delicious benefits.  

I personally love to drink my nightly glass of scarlet wine and am enjoying a glass of red as we speak. Cheers to your health!

Shop Red Wine Glasses at SoLoveWine.com

1 comment:

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